Florida: The Importance of the FWC Attestation Form for Renters and Liveries

By admin

Jul 01, 2023

With its pristine coastlines, sparkling blue waters, and year-round sunshine, Florida is a haven for boating enthusiasts and vacationers seeking aquatic adventures. However, as the number of people exploring Florida’s waterways continues to rise, it becomes paramount to ensure the preservation of its unique marine ecosystem and the safety of all those who partake in boating activities. The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) Attestation Form plays a pivotal role in safeguarding these interests.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) is the agency responsible for conserving and managing Florida’s fish and wildlife resources. Its mission is to enhance the well-being of current and future generations through responsible stewardship of these resources. The FWC’s efforts include preserving the state’s diverse ecosystems, regulating wildlife and boating activities, and promoting sustainable practices among both residents and visitors.

The FWC Attestation Form is a proactive measure implemented by the commission to ensure that boat rental operators and renters are aware of and committed to adhering to environmentally responsible and safe boating practices. This Pre-Rental and Pre-Ride Instruction checklist outlines a number of key topics that liveries will discuss and adhere the understanding of their renters prior to disembarking into the waters, these include; understanding vessel operation, safety education, and environmental conservation. The FWC Attestation Form is applicable to both powered rental vessels as well as paddle craft. This form must be maintained by the livery for 90 days and must be made available to law enforcement upon request. Companies like OnlineWaiverPro.com have made it easy by digitizing the FWC Attestation Form to help streamline the process.

Amid Florida’s growing allure as a boating paradise, the FWC Attestation Form ensures that the state’s waters remain pristine and vibrant. Liveries and Renters’ completion of the form is a pledge to protect Florida’s marine ecosystems and a commitment to safe, ethical, and sustainable boating practices.