Kentucky Boat Course
¡Complete este curso para obtener su tarjeta de educación de navegante de Kentucky que es buena para toda la vida! Todos los navegantes de entre 12 y 17 años deben tener una tarjeta de educación para navegantes de Kentucky para operar una embarcación motorizada en Kentucky de más de 10 caballos de fuerza.
Tres pasos para convertirse en un navegante con licencia

Curso completo
Curso en línea acreditado por el estado para todas las edades

Aprobar el examen en línea
Reintentos ilimitados

Ir en bote
¡Imprima la licencia temporal y comience a navegar!
Preguntas Frecuentes
1. ¿Necesita una licencia de navegación para conducir un bote en Kentucky?
En Kentucky, la ley de navegación requiere que los navegantes obtengan y porten una Tarjeta de Educación de Navegantes de Kentucky mientras operan una embarcación recreativa motorizada de más de 10 HP dentro de las vías fluviales de Kentucky para aquellos entre 12 y 17 años.
2. ¿Cuánto tiempo se tarda en completar el curso?
Como lo requiere NASBLA (Asociación Nacional de Administradores Estatales de la Ley de Navegación), el curso dura 3 horas.
3. ¿Tiene que ser residente de Kentucky para tomar el curso?
4. ¿Tiene que completar el curso en una sola sesión?
No, el curso se puede completar a su propio ritmo, en tantas configuraciones como dese
¿Se llama licencia de navegación?
Algunas personas pueden llamarlo Licencia de Barco o Licencia de Navegación. Sin embargo, no es una licencia propiamente dicha. Se conoce como Certificado de Educación para Navegantes o Tarjeta de Educación para Navegantes. La razón por la que no se le llama licencia de navegación de Kentucky es que no caduca ni necesita renovarse.
Una vez que hayas completado con éxito el Curso y Examen de Seguridad para Navegantes aprobado por NASBLA / Kentucky, se te emitirá una Tarjeta de Navegante de Kentucky. Esta tarjeta es válida de por vida.
Recuerda que debes llevar contigo tu Tarjeta de Navegante mientras operas embarcaciones marinas. De lo contrario, podrías recibir una multa de un oficial de policía local.

Consigue dos semanas gratis
- Navega con facilidad
- Evita las zonas poco profundas
- Encuentra las mejores zonas
Preguntas Frecuentes

No, there is no minimum age to take this course
The course takes a minimum of 3 hours
No, you can do it over one sitting or as many sittings as you would like
No, you do not need to be a resident of Kentucky to take this course
No, you did not fail the course and need to try again
You need to score 80.00% to pass chapter quizzes
You need to score 80.00% to pass the final online exam
There are quizzes at the end of each chapter in the boater education course
No, it is not an open book exam
Yes, you must pass the course before taking the exam
No, we do not the materials available offline
Yes, you must pass (the course and) the exam before you can drive a boat
Yes, the boater education course provides a foundation for other boating courses
You can print your temporary certificate from your dashboard after logging in
Once you pass and pay for the Kentucky boater course, you will be able to immediately print out the Certificate of Completion. This is your proof of online course completion. You can print the Certificate of Completion right then, and/or request that a PDF be emailed to you.
The Kentucky boater education card is good for your lifetime
No, if you took a boater education course in another state or in Canada, it will be recognized in Kentucky
No, you do not need to renew your boater education card. It is good for life
You can use your temporary certificate for [60 days] to operate a personal watercraft, after which you are required to have your Kentucky boater education card
No, you do not need a proof of competency to operate a non-powered watercraft
Your boater education from another state or Canada is proof of competency
Yes, your boater education card can be revokable and suspendable if laws are broken
Yes, there is a penalty for not carrying your Kentucky boater education card while boating
Course Accreditation
Yes, our Kentucky boater education course is approved by the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Yes, our Kentucky boater education course is approved by NASBLA
For visting boaters, all US states, US territories, Canadian provinces, and Canadian territories will recognize boater eduation cards that meet NASBLA (National Association of State Boating Law Administrators) and Canadian Pleasure Craft Operator Cards that meet Transport Canada's requirements
The phone # is 502.892.4514 and the mailing address is 1 Sportsman's Lane, , Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Price & Billing
The Kentucky boater education course costs $39.95
Yes, our website is secure and it is safe to enter your credit card information
Customers can using debit and credit. We do not accept Bitcoin or other digital currencies at this time
No, there is no annual cost
The Kentucky boater course is valid for your lifetime from the time of registration and payment
Please email us your issur or concern and we will review on a customer-by-customer basis
Yes, we have an affiliate program where we reward referrals. Below is the link for more information and to sign up:
We offer referrals through our affiliate program ( We may do promotions from time to time
Replacement Documents
You can re-print your temporary card after logging into your account, assuming you passed the course and exam
Select a course and click the "Sign Up!" button
On the Login screen, click "Lost Password?" and follow the steps
Please email [email protected] or call 1.888.885.8830
No, you will not lose your progress
You can login as many times as you would like
Yes, you can access the course on a mobile phone
Yes, you can access the course from a desktop, mobile phone or tablet
If you lose your internet connection, it will take you back to the point in the course you were currently at
Yes, the course will run on any web browser
You can take the exam on any computer that has an internet connection and a browser
There are no videos in the course
Moving to Kentucky
If you cannot find the answer to your question, please contact us directly at [email protected] or by phone @ 1.888.885.8830
Our hours of operation are 9am-midnight EST
We offer an official online boat course to get your boater card, which is accredited by the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA), the US Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
Please email [email protected]
Please check out our job postings or email [email protected]